Sunday, April 17, 2011

Home Sweet Home

(If eating with salad tongs is what it takes to get him to eat, then so be it!  He calls it his "handy tool")

Carter got to come home this morning!!!  He did so awesome in the hospital the whole time.  Yesterday, before they started the "rescue medicine", his toxicity level was at 88, which they say is perfect.  In order to be discharged from the hospital it has to be below .1.  After the first dose of "rescue medicine", it was down to .2!  After the second dose it was .11 - so close!  That was yesterday afternoon.  Then the test this morning is was down to .05!!!  So it was less than 72 hours from the time they started the medicine to the time he got to leave.  I was expecting him to be on the faster side, because he's so awesome, but wow.  Lets hope the next 3 times go just as quickly.  And we don't have to go back to the hospital for 11 days!


  1. Yahoo Carter!! So glad to see your home, and eating in such a fun way!!Lots of love!!

  2. Yeah! I am so glad he got to come home so quickly. What a stud!

  3. Yay!!! I'm so happy for Carter! He's totally kicking this cancer's butt!

  4. You're doing awesome Carter! We'd so proud of you!

  5. Way to go! You are all doing awesome! Love You!
