Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Morning

Easter morning this year was spent in the E.R. by Carter and his daddy.  He woke up with a fever.  By the time they left, he was feeling ok and his fever was gone but we still have to take him in to get a blood culture and antibiotics.  They were there all morning and most of the afternoon (everything takes soooooo long in the E.R.).  But they got home in time for Easter dinner, the egg hunt, and decorating sugar cookies.  Not sure what the fever was all about, but I'm glad it didn't last long.  Although he wasn't feeling well this morning either and slept through most of preschool (it was at my house today so he just went down the hall and took a nap on my bed).

I'll refer you back to my post on Easter last year.  My thoughts and feelings are the same now as they were then.  What an amazing holiday to celebrate!

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