Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3rd time's a charm

His counts were finally high enough to start more chemo!  Kinda bittersweet, but I'm glad we're finally getting it over with.  White blood cell count 2.1, ANC 900, hemoglobin 10.3 and platelets 231,000.  We spent the day in the clinic accompanied by our dear friend Lindsey.  Carter was really happy she came to play with him and read him stories all day.  Everything went really well even though he had a sedation at 4:00, which meant he couldn't eat anything the whole time we were there and could only drink water and juice for a couple hours.  He was surprisingly fine with it.  After he woke up from his sedation, he had already received all his medicine and he was not feeling very well.  BUT, he just had to play the monkey game one more time before we left to come home.  This morning he threw up about 5 times before he was finally able to keep down his anti-nausea medicine.  He's doing much better now.  Wish us luck!


  1. Hooray for being so close to the end! We absolutely adore Carter and we are so glad that he's almost done. Good job, Mom and Dad!

  2. Glad he got to get started. It's so great to see Carter smiling and happy! You guys are AMAZING!

  3. I think about you all the time! Go team Carter!

  4. I love the picture, Carter's darling personality and good disposition are never far away. He has definitely had a rough 7 months, it just shows what a strong boy his has, and that he and his family are pretty much amazing! We sure love you.
